Ramona's Law of AttractionĀ Blog

Building a Business


Q- 'I have so many ideas for my coaching business. Can you help?'

A- 'Your resistance has fallen away quite a bit since...

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The Vibrational Difference between Rich and Poor People?

What is the vibrational difference between rich people and poor people?

The vibrational essence of "worthiness," which allows wealth to...

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Building a Coaching Business

This transcript is from an Opra session with clients wishing to expand their clientele and build other aspects of their business, and asking what...

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I Have a Big Vision


Q: I have a big vision

A: “This vision is already reality, is well underway. Doubting this fact will only slow down the...

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Remove Conditions from Desires on Your Vision Board

We've been talking a lot these days about loving our bodies, and how that love shows up in our lives.

But a question I get a lot is, how and where...

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Rampage to Manifest Health and Happiness

Using Law of Attraction to shift even decades of momentum into health, wellness and joy just takes a bit of practice.

My client had suffered from...

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Body Hatred

When I started receiving Opra (what some would call “channeling”) in early 2019, I had no idea where that would lead me.

To the extent...

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I Am Jealous of My Friends

Jealousy can be a tough feeling to sort out, because when we are jealous we think we are looking right at one of our desires and just being "petty"...

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Law of Attraction for My Body

Why is my body still not responding the way I want it to?

It's a question both Opra and "Ramona the Human" get asked on a regular basis. Even from...

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Loving Our Bodies

I’ve been celebrating my own personal breakthroughs a lot recently:

  • 2014: New clarity on what really matters to me and beginning to learn...
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My Family Is Upset With Me

Opra's client here has taken a stand with family that many of us hesitate to do, even with friends or colleagues.  The choice was to...

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Already Heart-Based

I love this video.  This Opra client is already so heart-based, and she is typically very well aligned and very practiced at maintaining her...

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Why Do Babies Feel So Good?

This transcript is from a session with a client who had recently visited a family member to hold the newest addition to the family, and was...

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Turbulent Energy Worldwide

This session was with a client who was definitely feeling the effects of Covid-19, both in a personal way, as well as in the wilder energy currents...

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